September Love&Inspiration


It's time for the first Love&Inspiration post, a monthly series where I'm going to share with you some of the things I fell in love with and that inspired me in the last 30 {,29, or 31} days. Besides that I love to read other people's favorites listsI'm a huge list-maker myself. I can make lists of nearly everything imaginable - to-do lists, to-cook lists, to-buy lists, to-listen lists, to-.... Post-its are my friends. Moleskins are my trusted fellows. Oh and have you tried stone paper? You really should! {new obsession}

Here we go... September Love&Inspiration

» The Swedish designer Monika Förster developed these beautiful Tower measuring cups for Alessi. Such a cute addition to my kitchen!

» I'm deeply in love with the new Weather Diary Collection  from Marimekko which is inspired by the Finnish weather phenomena. I mean look at the colors {painted by Aino-Maija Metsola}!  I'm lost for words. I've been doing some serious window shopping lately... You should also read the story behind the collection. They talk about the beauty of rain. Yes!

» Dorie Greenspan talks about why she bakes. This woman. Her enthusiasm and love for food is pure inspiration.

» The flavor combination of dill and stone fruit. I'm in!

» The hunt. So true, it's almost embarrassing.

» This post.

» Can we talk about nail polish? It's that time of year again... The time to wear Chanel's Rouge Noir. Beauty investments.

» Fall music.

» The gorgeous fabrics from by nord. I fell for the moose dish towel the moment I saw it. You have to know, I'm totally into rhinos and moose - I even have a big white rhino standing on my windowsill... True story.

» 40 must-see photos from the past.

» This picture of a sea of tents made me smile.

What are your September favorites? I would love to hear some of them!


Side note:
Tomorrow, it's October! Can you believe it? September went by so fast... I'm looking forward to wearing my yellow rain boots & chunky knitwear, hiding under an umbrella, witnessing the beauty of fall colors, burning candles, and foraging mushrooms. October will be good.