April Love&Inspiration – The Garden Edition

my blue&white kitchen

I couldn't help myself but share, along with the regular link love, some images from the garden back in Allgäu where I spent Easter.

A garden full of treasures; big and small.

» Posts that made me extremely excited.

» I need some homemade paneer in my life.

» Congrats to all the winners of the Saveur Best Food Blog Awards! So much talent! It was a true honor to be nominated in the first place so thank you.

» This lady has amazed me with her beautiful photography.

» I carried 1 kg (2 pounds) of baby artichokes in my hand luggage all the way from Munich to Finland just to make Valentina's preserved artichoke hearts. Yeah, I like to bring home food from my travels. [I also brought a couple of spices and dried flowers, elderflower jelly, a thing called monk's beard (thanks Valentina for letting me know its name), birk tree printed paper straws, a couple of props...]

» Hands down one of the most thought-provoking (and frankly, quite weird) documentary films I've ever seen: Pina.

» Loved this interview with the Swedish ceramicist Elin Lannsjö.

» What a great post about the process of making a cookbook.

» I made Lindsey's Spinach Chive Pesto and Cynthia's Kimchi Fried Rice (also, I was super excited to see her interview on Food&Wine) as well as Icelandic Cinnamon Pancakes with Chantilly Cream and Pears from Manger. Comfort.

» She is such a brave soul. About living with mental illness.

» I would love to attend this workshop with Luise Brimble at Aran Goyoaga's studio in Seattle.

» You should make bialys with a cracked egg in the middle. Life changing experience. [head here for the basic bialys recipe]

» The Patina Collection Spring & Summer 2014 from inks+thread makes me daydream.

» Kristan of The Broken Bread blog was inspired by my baked blackcurrant ryemeal and made her very own version. Love it!

» The Helsinki-based Freese Coffee Company was featured on Kinfolk.

» Currently reading: Haruki Murakami's newest novel: Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Year of Pilgrimage (already available in German).

» There's a chocolate loaf cake baking in the oven right now. It's for tonight's May Day Eve party. Can't wait to have a bite.


Also, the goats living next door wanted to say hi. Hi goats!

my blue&white kitchen


So, what has made you smile/drool/wonder in April? I would love to hear!

Have a joyous May Day everyone!